Stuart D. Young, M.Div. (D.Miss. Honoris Causa)
(Dean of Missions)
Regent and Faculty Mentor

(Chaplaincy, Pastoral Ministries, Missions) Dr. Young is currently the Assistant Administrator of Religious Services for the Oregon Department of Corrections, supervising twenty chaplains statewide. The previous five years, he was a teacher and program manger of an Oregon corrections program instructing and mentoring inmates on the topics of criminality, addiction, and relationships. Prior to this, he served Youth With A Mission for twenty-five years in the roles of the director of the Teacher Resource Center and as the Director of Training in Honolulu. He and his family have traveled the world due to his missionary work. He was also an adjunct professor for Northwest University for three and a half years during the latter part of his missions service, teaching courses on missions, cross cultural communication, and marriage and family counseling. Before his missions work, he served as an associate pastor for five years. Stuart was awarded the honorary Doctor of Missions from Faraston Theological Seminary and he earned the Bachelor of Arts in psychology at California State University, Long Beach, CA, and the Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical, Interdenominational.
Leon H. Yancey, M.Div.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Theology) Leon Yancey is a retired military officer. Ordained non-denominational and Baptist, he has been active in police and rescue mission chaplaincies, and mission churches since 1967. A member of the Grace Evangelical Society since 1986, he also served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in Greek at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, 1988-89, adjunct faculty for Greek and Biblical Studies at Tallassee Bible Institute, 1992-95, and as Assistant to the Dean of Students at Houston Baptist University 1974-77. His military education is in Education Management. He was awarded the Arthur B. Whiting Award for biblical writing and scholarly research 1989. He was Christianity Editor for the Tallahassean Newspaper 1991-92, and a writer/abstracter for Religious and Theological Abstracts 1989-97. Leon earned the B.A. (Christianity, history, & military management) from Houston Baptist University, Houston, TX, and the M.Div. (academic track) from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, OR. Theological Persuasion: Dispensational.
Richard A. Winter, M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Comparative Religions) Mr. Winter is an ordained Assemblies of God minister who is currently Senior Pastor of Pacific Coast Community Church in California. He has served as a missionary to Malaysia, as a college professor, as an administrator at Valley Forge Christian College, and he also serves as an adjunct professor at the Bible College of Malaysia. He appears in Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges in 1985 and in Who's Who in American Christian Leadership in 1989. He earned the Diploma of Teaching from Ballarat Teachers College, Australia; the Diploma of School Management from Charles Sturt University, Australia; and the Master of Arts in Biblical Literature from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO. Theological persuasion: Pentecostal.
James R. White, D.Min.,Th.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Comparative Religions, Cults, Exegesis, Theology) Dr. White, an ordained Baptist minister, is Adjunct Professor teaching New Testament Greek, Systematic Theology, Christology, and Hebrew for Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary at their Arizona Campus. He is also the director of
Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix. He has written more than a dozen books. Some of his titles include: Is the Mormon My Brother? The Forgotten Trinity, The Potter's Freedom, and The King James Only Controversy. As an apologist, he also has extensive experience in debate. He has engaged in more than twenty public debates against the leading defenders of Roman Catholicism and some of the leading proponents of the King James Only position on live radio and on the John Ankerberg Show. James is also a Critical Consultant with the Lockman Foundation and worked on the New American Standard Update. Dr. White has a B.A. in Bible with a minor in Greek from Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ., an M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. CA., and the Th.M., Th.D. and D.Min. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. Theological Persuasion: Reformed Baptist.
Randy Weiss, Ph.D.
(Dean of Jewish Studies)
Regent and Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Jewish Studies) Dr. Weiss is a Jewish believer in Jesus. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and Society for Pentecostal Studies. He appears in Marquis Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1995, and Marquis Who's Who in the World, 1996. He is an adjunct professor for the ICI University in Texas and the host of
Cross Talk, a weekly television broadcast ministry. Books: The Passion Conspiracy: Did the Jews Kill Christ or was Jesus the Victim of Identity Theft? and Does Jacob's Trouble Wear a Cross? The Ancient Legacy of Christian Anti-Semitism. Dr. Weiss earned the Diploma of Practical Theology with a minor in Jewish Studies from Christ For The Nations Institute, Dallas TX.; the B.A. from Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX.; an M.S. in Jewish Studies with Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies, Chicago, IL.; the D.Min. from Faraston Theological Seminary; and the M.A. and Ph.D. from Greenwich University, Hilo, HI. Theological persuasion: Messianic Jewish, Reformed, Pentecostal.
Rick Walston, D.Min., Ph.D.
Founder, President Emertius, and Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Christian Counseling, Spiritual Gifts, and Systematic Theology) Dr. Walston served as president of CES for 25 years. Considered by many to be an expert in Distance Learning, Rick has been interviewed by and quoted in various major magazines including Charisma, Christianity Today, and World. His books include,
Walston's Guide to Christian Distance Learning, Something Happened on the Way to Happily Ever After: A Biblical View of Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage, The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit Debate; Unraveling the Mystery of The Motivational Gifts: Your Gifts Discovery Manual; and Divorce and Remarriage: An Amplification of the Assemblies of God Position Paper on Divorce and Remarriage. Dr. Walston pastored in Assemblies of God and independent churches for two decades. He was selected as an Outstanding Young Men of America, and he appears in Marquis Who's Who in America. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and is a charter member of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. He holds a B.A. and M.Rel. from Warner Pacific College, Portland, OR., the M.A. in Apologetics with Luther Rice University, Lithonia, GA., and ABT for the M.A. in Humanities/Philosophy with California State University, Dominguez Hills, CA. He also holds a D.Min. from Bakke Graduate University, Seattle, WA., and a Ph.D. from North-West University, South Africa. Theological persuasion: Conservative Evangelical Pentecostal.
Yong Jo Song, D.Miss.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Missions, Theology) Dr. Song is the pastor of Yangui Moon Presbyterian Church and is the former President of
Korea Reformed Theological Seminary. He has fourteen books to his credit. Th.B. and M.Div. Pusan Union Theological Seminary, Pusan, Korea; Th.M. and D.Miss. Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.; Th.D. studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO.
Indrajit Sanasham, Th.M.
Faculty Mentor

(Systematic Theology) Rev. Indrajit Sanasham is an ordained pioneering pastor, church planter, preacher, and teacher. He has pastored in two pioneering churches and lectured in Pentecostal, Charismatic, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Interdenominational Bible and Theological Colleges and Seminaries for nine years. He holds a B.Th. from Buntain Theological College, Calcutta, India, and the M.Div. from Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore, India, and Th.M. from Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission (of Asia United Theological University), Seoul, South Korea. Theological Persuasion: Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical, and Interdenominational.
William J. Rudge Jr., M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies and Theology) William is the research director for Bill Rudge Ministries. He is also involved with an outreach in his local church for college age students and is a chaplain with Chaplain Fellowship Ministries International. Mr. Rudge has a B.A. in Biblical Studies & Philosophy from Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA, and the M.A. in Theological Studies from Biola University, La Mirada, CA. He also studied overseas in Turkey, Greece and Rome with Talbot Theological Seminary. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical.
Richard A. Riley Jr., D.T.S., D.Min.
Faculty Mentor

(Comparative Religions) Dr. Riley is an adjunct instructor at Heartland Community College where he teaches Major World Religions, Religion in American Society, Literature of the Bible, and Islam. He is also pastor of New Heights Lutheran Church in Normal, IL. Dr. Riley is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, Karl Barth Society of North America, Calvin Studies Society, International Bonhoeffer Society, and the International Society of Christian Apologetics. He holds the B.S. from Bradley University, Peoria, IL, a D.T.S. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary, Longview, WA, and the M.Div. and D.Min. from Dubuque Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA. Theological persuasion: Confessional Lutheran.

Enrique R. Ramos (Ricky) M.Th., Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Comparative Religions) Ricky is an addiction Counselor/Social Worker in the VA Hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He is the President of the Evangelical and Educational Ministry, a Counter Cult Ministry. He was also a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy-Reserves Chaplain Corps. He has a B.A. in Psychology from the Inter American University, Puerto Rico, an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA., an M.S.W. from the University of Puerto Rico. He also holds the M.Th. from and is a Ph.D. Candidate with North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), South Africa, Theological Persuasion: Reformed.

Jennifer E. Quast-Noonan, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Hebrew, Old Testament) Dr. Noonan serves as an adjunct professor of Old Testament for Ashland Theological Seminary and as an adjunct professor of Biblical Hebrew for Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, OH. She has also taught Bible and music at Kenya Highlands Bible College in Kericho, Kenya, East Africa. Dr. Noonan has a B.A. in liberal arts (Bible, music, and psychology) from Malone University (Canton, OH), an M.A. in Biblical Studies (Old Testament) and an M.A. in Church Music, both from Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, OH, and she holds the M.Phil. in Hebrew and Cognate Studies and a Ph.D. from Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, OH. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical
Kevin Potts, M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, New Testament, Pentecostal Studies, Counseling) Mr. Potts is former Chaplain of Pacific Springs Hospice in Omaha, NE. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. He holds a B.A. from Trinity Bible College, Ellendale, ND., a B.G.S from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, NE., an M.A. in Biblical Studies and an M.A. in Counseling from Grace University, Omaha, NE. Kevin has done doctoral studies at North American Baptist Seminary, Sioux Falls, SD., and he is a Ph.D., student with Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, South Africa. Theological persuasion: Conservative Evangelical Pentecostal
Nils-Olov Nilsson, Th.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Pentecostal/Charismatic Studies, Missions) Dr. Nilsson has been both associate pastor and missionary in the Elim Assembly, in Örebro, Sweden, since 1969. He was awarded the Honorary Citizen of Honduras for his work in directing such projects as housing development, water drilling, Bible institute founding, and Mission Station operations. His work Contextualization and Literalism in the Female Debate in the Swedish and Norwegian Pentecostal Movements 1978-1995 has been considered a major contribution to the research of Women's Ministries in Sweden. Having mastered three languages (Swedish, Spanish, and English), he is presently working as Supervisor of Instruction at International Cassette Bible Institute in Lakeland, Florida. He is a frequent contributor to various Pentecostal and Evangelical magazines and journals. Dr. Nilsson earned a B.A. in Bible/Theology from ICI University, Irving, TX., an M.A. from Bethany Theological Seminary, Dothan, AL., and the M.T.S. and Th.D. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary, Longview, WA. Theological Persuasion: Pentecostal, Evangelical.
Larry Vern Newman, D.Min.
Faculty Mentor

(Church Growth/Renewal, Pastoral Theology, Theology) Dr. Newman was ordained by the Assemblies of God in 1966, and ordained by the Iowa Conference of the United Church of Christ in 1974. He served as Pastor or Interim Pastor in the Assemblies of God and various independent community churches and several congregations of the United Church of Christ. Dr. Newman also served in administrative positions, and taught Pastoral Theology and Apologetics at Open Bible College, Des Moines, IA. He served as Executive Director of Maranatha Ministries, Inc., Kirkland, WA (a parachurch organization involved in Teaching, Youth, and Radio ministries). He is listed in the Dictionary of International Biography, Cambridge, England, Who's Who in Religion, and Personalities of the West and Midwest. He is a member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. Dr. Newman earned a B.A. (Theology) from Northwest University, Kirkland, WA., an M.Div. (Church History) from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA., and a D.Min. (Church Growth/Renewal) from Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, Pasadena, CA. Theological Persuasion: Reformed, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic.
Richard L. Miller, D.S.L.
Faculty Mentor

(Ethics, Leadership, Spiritual Development) Richard Miller has many years of experience in leadership roles in the United States Military, in the corporate world, and in various leadership positions within the Church. Richard is a certified facilitator for "Experiencing God," "Tools for Transformation: Out of the Ashes, New Life," and "Investment in Excellence" seminars. He is the author of Tools for Transformation, a spiritual development seminar, and he has written a comprehensive Christian leadership manual. Dr. Miller has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV., an M.S. in Bioenvironmental Engineering from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK., and the Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA. Theological Persuasion: Baptist.

Olusegun J. Martins, M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Old Testament, Preaching and Pastoral Counseling) Rev. Olusegun Martins the senior Pastor of Salem Gospel Mission International in Providence, RI. He is also the North American District Overseer and the Theological Education by Extension for Salem Gospel Mission International. Olusegun has co-authored A Practical Approach to Sermon Preparation and Delivery (International Christian Research and Training, 2001). He has a B.A. from ECWA Theological Seminary (Igbaja, Nigeria), an M.A. in Theological Studies from The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, and the M.A. in Religion (Pastoral Counseling) from Liberty Theological Seminary, Lynchburg, VA. Theological persuasion: Pentecostal.
Sang Jin Kim, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Old Testament Studies and OT Theology, New Testament Studies, Hebrew, and Greek) Dr. Kim is the education director of Disciples for Christ, a college ministry organization. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). His books are: The Literary and the Theological Functions of NT Miracles Narratives (VDM Publishing House 2010), The Literary and the Theological Functions of OT Miracle Narratives (VDM, 2009), and Christian Salvation and Worldview (Disciples Publication, 2008). Dr. Kim has a B.A. in English Literature and Language from Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, an M.Div. in Pastoral studies from Faith Evangelical Seminary, Tacoma, WA, and a S.T.M. in Old Testament studies from Northwest Baptist Seminary, Tacoma, WA, and the Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary in Old Testament studies, Dallas, TX. Theological Persuasion: Interdenominational, Dispensational.

David J. Keyser, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Systematic Theology, Exegesis, Church History, Ethics, Homiletics) Dr. Keyser has served in a variety of capacities including a high school teacher, church planter and pastor, international Bible and theology teacher in Kenya and Mexico, and adjunct faculty. He has a B.S. in secondary education from The Citadel, Charleston, SC., an M.Div. from Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA., an M.S. in personnel administration from Loyola University, Chicago, IL., a Th.M. in Systematic Theology-Christology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology-Pneumatology from the University of Saint Andrews, Scotland. He is ordained in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Dennis W. Jowers Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Systematic & Biblical Theology, Philosophy/Apologetics, Historical Theology, and Greek) Dr. Jowers is Assistant Professor of Theology & New Testament at Faith Seminary and Assistant Professor of Theology at Western Reformed Seminary in Tacoma, WA. His book The Revelation of the Trinity in the Theology of Karl Rahner is to be published by Edwin Mellen Press in January, 2007.
Dr. Jowers also works as the youth/college pastor at Korean Peace Presbyterian Church in Seattle. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Evangelical Philosophical Society, and the Society of Christian Philosophers. Dr. Jowers earned a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Chicago, IL., an M.Th. in Systematic Theology and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Calvinist.
R. Brinley Jones, D.Phil., F.S.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Christian History, Theology) Dr. Brinley Jones is the President of the University of Wales Lampeter. He served as the President of the National Library of Wales from 1996 to 2007), and Chairman of the Cathedrals and Churches Commission Wales. Prior to that, he has been a schoolmaster, a university teacher, a university publisher, and a headmaster. Among his writings are The Old British Tongue (1970), Certain Scholars of Wales (1986), William Salesbury (1994), Floreat Landubriense (1998), The Particularity of Wales (2001) and World-Wide Wales (2005). He is a prominent lay member of the Anglican Church in Wales. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, a Fellow of the College of Preceptors, a Fellow of the University of Wales College of Cardiff and an Honorary Fellow of Saint David's University College, Lampeter (University of Wales). Dr. Jones is a First Class Honours Bachelor of Arts graduate of the University of Wales at Cardiff where he also earned the Diploma of Education. He earned the M.A. at the International Institute for Advanced Studies, Clayton, MO, and the Oxford University (Jesus College), Oxford, England. Theological persuasion: Anglican

Fred Holtzman, Th.M., Ed.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Jewish Studies, Bible Software, Greek, Hebrew, Theology, and Biblical Counseling) Dr. Holtzman has emphasized teaching, counseling, and discipling throughout his ministry. He worked with Chosen People, Jews for Jesus, and Campus Crusade. He has also been an adjunct instructor at Columbia Bible University in SC and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. He holds a B.A. from Biola University, La Mirada, CA., a Th.M. in Old Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX, an M.S. and an Ed.D. in Technological and Adult Education with the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Theological persuasion: Evangelical Dispensational, Jewish Christian.

N. Blake Hearson, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Hebrew, Aramaic, Old Testament, Ancient Near Eastern History, Biblical Theology, Early Rabbinic Theology and Literature, Jewish Backgrounds to the New Testament) Blake is an assistant professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He holds a B.A. from Wheaton College and an M.A. from Wheaton College Graduate School, Wheaton, IL.; he holds the M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA., and he earned an M.Phil. in Hebraic and Cognate Languages and a Ph.D. from Hebrew Union College, in Cincinnati, OH. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical.

Tonia C. Harrison, M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Women's Ministries, Counseling, Life Coaching) Tonia is founder
of Pathfinder Ministries, a resource of encouragement and direction for women. She has more than 20 years experience in various positions of teaching, leading, and administrating an active women's ministry. Tonia is a Workshop Instructor, Women's Speaker and a Certified Life Purpose Coach. She facilitates a variety of counseling/coaching groups and teaches a weekly women's Sunday school class, as well as several online Bible studies. Tonia is the author of Designed with Your Purpose in Mind: Living the Life God Planned for You (Tate Publishing, 2010), an 8-week study that helps women discover their unique design and in turn, fulfill the purpose God has for them. Tonia holds a B.S. in Psychology and an M.A. in Counseling from Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA. Theological Persuasion: Independent Baptist.

Sarah Geis, M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Philosophy, Apologetics, Comparative Religion) Sarah Geis is an adjunct faculty member in Denver Seminary's Apologetics and Ethics program in Littleton, CO. She also co-founded the Gordon Lewis Center for Christian Thought and Culture, an apologetics and theology education outreach program, and she is currently its associate director. Additionally, Sarah teaches philosophy and ethics at the Community College of Aurora. She holds a B.S. from Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO), and an M.A. in philosophy from Denver Seminary (Littleton, CO). Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical

Timothy W. Foutz, M.Div., M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Worldviews, Church History) Tim is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Free Church of America. He currently serves with the Ratio Christi apologetics ministry near the University of Washington. He pastored two churches in Montana. He teaches Bible classes at Rainier Christian High School in Auburn, WA, where he is also the head of the Bible department having written the curriculum for most of the classes. He has two published books: Connecting With God (A Bible Survey curriculum, The Association of Christian Schools International), and he wrote the questions for the Bible Subtest of The Stanford Achievement Tests (Harcourt & Brace). Tim holds the B.A. in Theater/Speech from University of Oregon, Eugene, OR., the M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL., and an M.A. in Apologetics from Biola University, LaMirada, CA. Theological Persuasion: Evangelical.

Phil Fernandes, Ph.D., D.Min. Candidate
Trustee and Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Christian Philosophy, Christian Theologians, Comparative Religions, Cults, Homiletics, Pastoral Ministries,Theology) Dr. Fernandes is the founder and president of the
Institute of Biblical Defense (IBD), in Bremerton, Washington. IBD is dedicated to aiding Christians in their defense of the Faith. An apologist, Dr. Fernandes has lectured on creation science in public schools, and he has also engaged in public debates in defense of Conservative Evangelical Christianity. He has written and published three books: The God Who Sits Enthroned: Evidence for God's Existence, and No Other Gods: A Biblical Defense of Christianity, and God, Government, and the Road to Tyranny. Dr. Fernandes has been the senior pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship, an independent church, since 1988. He earned the Th.B. from Faraston Theological Seminary; the M.A.R. from Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.; the Th.M. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary, the Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion from Greenwich University, Hilo, HI, and he is a D.Min. Candidate with Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC. Theological persuasion: Independent Baptist.

Komlan E. Ezunkpe, D.Min.
Faculty Mentor

(Theological Anthropology, Cross-cultural Ministries and Missions) Dr. Ezunkpe is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He has ministered cross-culturally for two decades in Africa and North America. He is presently a Clerical Instructor for Elwyn Institute in Philadelphia; the Assistant Director of AMANI, Society of Charity and Justice based in Chicago, which assists Refugees in North America and implements socio-economic development programs in Africa. Dr. Ezunkpe holds a B.A. in Theology from Porto Novo Institute of Theology, Benin, West Africa; an M.A. in Christian Education from North Park University and Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL; and a D.Min. with concentration in Theological Anthropology from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL. Theological Persuasion: Presbyterian.

Roger D. Duke, D.Min.
Faculty Mentor

(Christian History / Thought; and Homiletics / Rhetoric / Communication Theory) Dr. Duke is Assistant Professor of Religion and Communication at Baptist College of Health Sciences in Memphis. He has been an ordained Baptist minister since 1982. Dr. Duke's most recent works are his published dissertation, picked up by Thesis Imprints, LLC.; and Venture All on God: Piety in the Writings of John Bunyan. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. He holds the M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; an M.A. in Religion from the Harding Graduate School of Theology; and the D.Min. in Rhetoric / Christian Thought from The University of the South's School of Theology, (Sewanee). He has also done postgraduate work in Classical Rhetoric and Communication Theory at the University of Memphis. Theological Persuasion: Southern Baptist, Reformed, & Ecumenical.

Carmen C. DiCello, D.T.S.
Faculty Mentor

(Postmodern Studies, Apologetics, Theology) Dr. DiCello has served as associate and senior pastor in various churches, and he is a public school teacher. He is the author of Wonderings: Stories of Faith in Life (Wipf & Stock, 2013), Truth in Balance: Doing Apologetics in a Postmodern Culture (Wipf & Stock, 2009), Why?: Reflections on the Problem of Evil (Wipf & Stock, 2007), and Dangerous Blessing: The Emergence of a Postmodern Faith (Wipf & Stock, 2005). He is also a contributor to the New Dictionary of Apologetics (InterVarsity Press, 2006). Dr. DiCello earned a B.S. from Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA., an M.Div (Apologetics) and a D.T.S. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. Theological Persuasion: Independent Evangelical.

Charles H. Cummings, Th.M.
Faculty Mentor

(New Testament Studies) Charlie currently serves as an adjunct faculty member for several schools including Rocky Mountain Bible College (Englewood, CO), and the University of Phoenix (Denver metro, CO). He also served for six years as the Associate Pastor of Vail Bible Church. Charlie holds a B.A. in Art from the University of Texas, Austin, and a Th.M. in New Testament Studie and is ABD for the Ph.D. in Biblical Studies with Dallas Theological Seminar, Dallas, TX. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical.

Larry V. Crutchfield, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Early Christian History & Culture, Theology) Dr. Crutchfield taught comparative religion at Burlington County College in New Jersey for three years and was an instructor in Foundations of Bible Study at Philadelphia College of Bible's School of Continuing Education. He is a member of Delta Epsilon Chi, the Honor Society of the American Association of Bible Colleges. Dr. Crutchfield is the author of The Origins of Dispensationalism: The Darby Factor (University Press of America); The Early Church Fathers and Abortion (American Life League); a contributor to Greenwood Press' publications Twentieth-Century Shapers of American Popular Religion and Popular Religious Magazines of the United States, and has written numerous articles on a wide variety of biblical, theological, and social topics for some of America's leading evangelical magazines and journals,including Bibliotheca Sacra and the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. He earned the B.A. (summa cum laude) from Biola University, La Mirada, CA; M.A. in New Testament Studies(with honors) from Denver Seminary, Denver, CO; M.Phil. and Ph.D.degrees (with distinction) in Theological and Religious Studies from Drew University, Madison, NJ. Theological persuasion: Conservative Baptist.

Jeff Crosby, M.R.E.
Faculty Mentor

(Youth Ministry) Jeff Crosby has been involved in full-time youth ministry since 1992. He served for ten years as a youth pastor and five years as a youth counselor. In 2007 he founded and is Director of Youth Outreach Unlimited, an evangelistic ministry seeking to reach adolescents in the public schools. Jeff has served as a substitute teacher, coach, and tutor, giving him regular relational access to community teens. Jeff is a regular guest speaker at youth camps, retreats, and conferences. He has had articles appear in Youth Specialties' Ideas library, and he has an entry in the book More Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks. He holds New York State Teacher Certification in Secondary Math, Secondary English, and Secondary Social Studies, and he has a B.S. degree in Bible from Houghton College, Houghton, NY, and an M.R.E. in Youth Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA. He is currently a Doctor of Ministry student at Northeastern Seminary, Rochester, NY. Theological Persuasion: Nondenominational, Conservative, Evangelical.

Steven B. Cowan, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Comparative Religions, Christian Philosophy, Theology) Dr. Cowan is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama. He is also on staff with the Apologetics Resource Center and the editor of their apologetics magazine Areopagus Journal. He is the general editor of Five Views on Apologetics (Zondervan, 2000) with contributors, William Lane Craig, Gary Habermas, John Frame, Kelly James Clark, and Paul D. Feinberg, as well as editor of Who Runs the Church: Four Views on Church Government (Zondervan, 2004) with contributors Paige Patterson, Peter Toon, L. Roy Taylor, and Samuel Waldron. Both books are part of the "Counterpoints Series" published by Zondervan Publishing House. Dr. Cowan is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the Society of Christian Philosophers, and the American Philosophical Association. He is an adjunct professor at Birmingham Theological Seminary and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Cowan earned a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Southern Mississippi; an M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; and an M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Arkansas. Theological persuasion: Reformed Southern Baptist.

Todd D. Clark, M.A.
Faculty Mentor

(Missions) Todd Clark serves Youth with a Mission and the University of the Nations by teaching in international mission training schools as well as recruiting and training teachers to volunteer their skills in third-world countries. He serves the community of Salem, OR., through a missional prayer gathering geared toward the postmodern mindset, does pastoral care for young missionaries, and is an adjunct professor for Eugene Bible College, teaching Cultural Anthropology. Todd has a B.S. degree in Pastoral Studies from Eugene Bible College, Eugene, OR., and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies from from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. Theological Persuasion: Nondenominational.

Daniel L. Christensen, D.T.S.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Theology, Philosophy, World Religions, Apologetics, Church History) Dr. Christensen is the senior pastor at Talbot Community Church (Jefferson, OR). He is also a professor at Salem Bible College of Northwest University where he teaches Theology, Intro to Philosophy, World Religions, History of Islam, Cults, American Christian History, and Church History. Daniel has a B.A. in Biblical Studies from George Fox University, Newberg, OR., an M.A. in Exegetical Theology from Western Seminary, Portland, OR., and a D.T.S. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. Theological persuasion: Non-denominational Conservative Evangelical.

James J. Cassidy, M.Div., Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty Mentor

(Systematic Theology, Philosophy of Religion, and Church History) Jim Cassidy is pastor of Calvary Church of Amwell (OPC) in Ringoes, NJ. Jim has contributed articles to The Confessional Presbyterian, The Westminster Theological Journal, Mid-America Journal of Theology, and the book Resurrection and Eschatology: Theology in Service of the Church: Essays in Honor of Richard B. Gaffin Jr. Rev. Cassidy has the B.A. in Philosophy from St. Anselm College, Manchester, NH; the M.Div. from and is a Ph.D. Candidate in Systematic Theology with Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA. His dissertation is on eternity and time in the theology of Karl Barth. Theological Persuasion: Presbyterian and Reformed.

Dillon Burroughs, Th.M., D.Min. Candidate
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Theology, Youth Ministry) Dillon Burroughs is professor of theology and Bible at Tennessee Temple University and senior researcher at the Ankerberg Theological Research Institute. He is author or coauthor of more than 26 books, including the bestselling What Can Be Found in LOST? (with John Ankerberg). Dillon holds a B.S. degree in Communications from Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN., and a Th.M. from and D.Min. Candidate with Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical.

Dean Bruce, Th.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Cults, Theology) Dean Bruce is pastor of the Mendon First Church of God. He is a veteran of the U. S. Army Security Agency. He attended Findlay College, Lincoln Technical Institute, the Defense Language Institute and several other military schools. Along with his son Dwayne, Dr. Bruce wrote the book, A Soldier's Questions, His Pastor's Answers: Comfort, Strength and Inner Peace for Combat Troops (2009, Bannockburn Press). He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Evangelical Philosophical Society, and a charter member of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. Dr. Bruce earned an M.Div. from Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay, Ohio; the Th.M. from Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, IN., and the Th.D. from Faraston Theological Seminary, Longview, WA.

David Brown, D.W.S.
Faculty Mentor

(Worship Studies) David Brown serves as worship pastor at Tri-Village Christian Church just outside of Columbus, Ohio. He also serves on the faculty of Rockbridge Seminary. Dr. Brown holds the B.A. from Johnson Bible College (Knoxville, TN), the M.A. in Worship from Hope International University (Fullerton, CA), and the Doctorate of Worship Studies (D.W.S.) from The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, Orange Park, FL, with additional studies from the Integrity Worship Institute at Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, and Westminster Choir College of Ryder University, Princeton, NJ. Theological Persuasion: Conservative Evangelical

Jace Broadhurst, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Ecclesiology, Hebrew, Hermeneutics, Homiletics, Old Testament) Dr. Broadhurst has been a pastor for the
SBC for many years, and is an adjunct professor for Nyack College. He has taught at Tyndale Theological Seminary (Netherlands) and Scott Theological College (Kenya). He has a B.A. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD., an M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL., and a Ph.D. with Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA. Theological Persuasion: Reformed.

Phil Bence, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Preaching, Pastoral Ministry) Phil directs the Pacific Association for Theological Studies and its KOINOS program. He also serves as a member of the adjunct faculty at Fuller Theological Seminary, Bakke Graduate University, Seattle Pacific University, Simpson University, and Indiana Wesleyan University. Phil has written one book: Acts: A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition (Wesleyan Publishing House, 1998). Dr. Bence has a B.A. in the Humanities from Houghton College, Houghton, NY, an M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY, and a Ph.D. from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Theological Persuasion: Wesleyan-Arminian.

Shirley L. Barron-Kersey, M.A., M.D.
Faculty Mentor

(New Testament Studies, Greek) Shirley Barron is a physician working in public health, general practice, and pathology. She has taught adult Bible studies over a number of years in several Presbyterian churches, and has been part of a preaching ministry team supplying a rural Pentecostal church. She is co-founder (with husband) of Mountain Musical Ministries, a teaching ministry in north-east Tennessee, teaching and performing on violin/fiddle. Over several years, she has translated the Greek New Testament (Metzger, Aland, Black) into everyday spoken English; although not published in print, much of the translation is available on the Internet. Dr. Barron has a B.A. in religious studies from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (summa cum laude), an M.A. in Biblical Literature from Wheaton College Graduate School, Wheaton, IL (cum laude), and M.D. from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, Ky (summa cum laude). She is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, Phi Beta Kappa, and Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honorary Society. Theological persuasion: Reformed, Pentecostal, Baptist

David W. Bailey, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(New Testament Studies, Homiletics, and Greek) Dr. Bailey serves as the Senior Pastor at Cottondale Baptist Church near Tuscaloosa, AL. Prior to this, he was the chaplain at Riverside Military Academy in Gainesville, GA. He has led churches in Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. In 2006, he published the authorized biography of Swiss Baptist theologian Roger Nicole. David Bailey is the former Director of The Orlando Center of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he served in administrative and adjunct-faculty roles. Dr. Bailey is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. He holds the B.A. in English Literature from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL; and the M.Div. and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA. Theological persuasion: Southern Baptist.

Larry Anderson, D.Th.
Faculty Mentor

(Homiletics, Ministry, Theology) Dr. Anderson is currently serving as full time faculty in the Ministry & Theology department at Central Christian College of Kansas. He served in pastoral ministry in the Free Methodist Church for 20 years. Dr. Anderson earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Seattle Pacific University, an M.A. in Theology and a Th.M. in Practical Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a D.Th. in Practical Theology (Homiletics) from the University of Zululand in South Africa. Theological persuasion: Wesleyan Holiness.

Eunice O. Abogunrin, Ph.D.
Faculty Mentor

(Systematic Theology) Dr. Abogunrin has taught at and served as the Theology Department chair and Dean of Academic Affairs at ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja, Nigeria. She has also served as an adjunct professor at Wheaton Graduate School, and presently Dr. Abogunrin is adjunct professor of Theology at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Abogunrin earned a B.A. in Theology and M.A. in Christian Education from ECWA Theological Seminary; an M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Wheaton Graduate School, Wheaton, IL.; and the Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL. Theological persuasion: Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA).

Eric L. Odell-Hein, Ph.D.
President and Faculty Mentor

(Theology, Religion, Theodicy) Dr. Odell-Hein has served at The Summit, an Evangelical Free Church, since 2003 in various positions including teacher, elder, head of small groups, director of children's ministry, and more. In 1999 he began working for a large, international software and hardware company based in the Pacific Northwest, where he managed many successful business projects dispersed across several countries. His education includes a Th.B., an M.R.S. (World Religions), and an M.Div (Practical Theology) from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. He also earned a Ph.D. (Theology-Comparative Theodicy) with North-West University, South Africa. Theological persuasion: Conservative Evangelical.
Prospective students can learn more about the leadership of CES on the Board section of the web site.
Ben Montoya, M.Div., Ph.D. (ABD)
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Greek, Hermeneutics, Preaching, Systematic Theology) Ben is an Associate Pastor for the English congregation of Chinese Gospel Church in Toronto, ON, Canada. He has taught Biblical Greek at Boyce College for three years. He also taught world religions at the Cincinnati campuses of University of Phoenix. Ben earned a B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies (cum laude) from Boyce College in Louisville, KY, and an Advanced Master of Divinity in Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is currently working towards a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies for New Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, ON. Theological Persuasion: Southern Baptist (ordained), Associated Gospel Churches (Canada).
Jonathan M. Jones, M.Mus.
Faculty Mentor

(Music, Worship) Jonathan M. Jones is an ordained minister and has been in vocational ministry since 2001, serving throughout Texas, California, and Mississippi in roles as worship pastor, student pastor, and associate pastor. He has traveled the United States and Europe extensively ministering through music and worship and has been employed by institutions of higher education such as Texas Tech University, Angelina College, The University of Southern Mississippi, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and State University. He holds the Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Texas State University and the Bachelor of Music in Church Music with a vocal concentration from the University of Mary Hardin Baylor. He has also completed the majority of Ph.D. coursework in Fine Arts with a music theory concentration at Texas Tech University, and is currently working toward the Doctor of Worship Studies through the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in Jacksonville, FL.

E. Ray Rhodes Jr., M.Div.
Faculty Mentor

(Preaching, Church history) Ray Rhodes Jr. is the President of Nourished in the Word Ministries (
NITW).NITW is a teaching, writing, and church planting ministry. Ray is a frequent conference speaker and serves as Pastor of Grace Community Church in Gainesville, GA. He has a B.S. in Criminal Justice from Georgia College, Milledgeville, GA., and the M.Div from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA. Theological Persuasion: Reformed Southern Baptist.
Mark L. Richardson, D.Min.
Faculty Mentor

(Homiletics, Theology, Pastoral Ministry) Dr. Richardson is Lead Pastor of First Baptist Church of The Colony, TX. He co-founded CrossReach Ministries International, a ministry dedicated to the renewal of the local church, and he is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. Books include iFollow: What Believers and Non-Believers are Missing in Jesus, and Daily Broken, Daily Blessed. Dr. Richardson holds a B.A. from Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK, the M.Div. and D.Min from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO. Theological persuasion: Conservative Evangelical.
Rodney J. Crowell, D.Min.
Faculty Mentor

(Biblical Studies, Cults, Pastoral Ministry, Theology) Dr. Crowell has been a pastor since 1977 and has published three books: Musical Pulpits (Baker Book House, 1992), the definitive work on forced pastoral exits. The Checkbook Bible (Kindle, 2012) on the faith-healing sect of Hobart E. Freeman in northern Indiana, and a self-published workbook on topical summaries of Proverbs titled The Road to Wisdom (2009). Rod holds a B.A. in Religion & Philosophy from The Honors College, Western Michigan University; an M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary in New York City; and a D.Min. from Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX. Theological persuasion: Evangelical and dispensational.

Jason Crowder, D.T.S.
Faculty Mentor

(Apologetics, Christian Thought, Greek, Hebrew, and Philosophy) Dr. Crowder teaches at various campuses of Butler Community College in Kansas, including their online program. He is the author of Philosophy, Who Needs It?: A Layman's Introduction to Philosophy (2012, Wipf & Stock). He has been a member of various professional organizations: Centre of Theology and Philosophy in the UK, International Society of Christian Apologetics, Society of Christian Philosophers, American Academy of Religion, and The American Philosophical Association. He is the founder of Know Him Ministries, a ministry that focuses spiritual formations and apologetics, and he currently serves as lay minister for Celebration Baptist Church in Wichita, KS. He holds B.A. in Religion from the University of Mobile (Mobile, AL), an M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY), Doctor of Theological Studies from Columbia Evangelical Seminary (Longview, WA), and he is presently a Ph.D. student in philosophy with the University of the Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa). Theological Persuasion: Reformed Baptist.